{about me}

I never set out to be a vegan. in fact, being raised in the midwest, surrounded by the bounty of farmland, and fresh dairy, meat and eggs - it seems quite a departure for me. Why the switch?

I found myself at the end of last year facing a few health problems. After some research, switching to a vegan diet {ie., cutting out meat, dairy, eggs} sounded like it might help without having to resort to more drastic measures. Was I skeptical? Seriously. But I figured I didn't have ANYTHING to lose giving it a shot. And you know what? I ended up experiencing a tremendous turnaround. My health and energy have returned. I'm back to my happy, healthy self. No longer craving junk foods and trying to make it from one coffee to the next for energy. What I've found is that it's better over here...

Will I do this forever? Maybe. Maybe not. It's what's right for me now, though. And I'm happy and content.